Sunday, July 30, 2006

As our exercise this week is to make thte layout of a business card, I have made a card for mr Vic Dickension of Saigon Running Club. I did choose the only black, and red together with a bit white. This is to illustrate the enthusiastic activities in this club.

Because I have no real business at the moment, so I designed a card for my recent position as a leader of Multimedia Department of Dance Club. This is made base on the original orchid layout. I have changed this pic a bit to make it more interesting though it is not quite same as the requirements ^.^ Anyway, just give me any comment for this! Thanks alot!

posted by Melanie at 8:09 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
This is the 2 layouts that I did for my Typography exercises.
In this first layout, I choose the black background to show the Tragedy mood for the viewer, and together with the black is the red and yellow typography. This is not only to make them easy to be read, but also create a "bloody" thought of the poor destiny and the splendid "yellowish" of the rich.

In the layout for Banana Bread, I have added several drawing lines to make the layout less boring. The main theme of color in this layout is Brown and yellow as these are the color of the Bread.

posted by Melanie at 10:33 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
This is also belong to the Illusion Arts. However, this kind of pics would lead you to the misleading of several Un- Physical images! You know that it's wrong, but you do not know where it starts to be wrong! Try to discover this and have FUN!

posted by Melanie at 7:51 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Illusion Image has many parts. This is the first one that I want to introduce to you. You can find that there is some motions in these images. However, this is really a flat picture without any animation!!! This is the way this knid of art make you confusing, let's try to find out how interesting they are!!!


Rot Snake
posted by Melanie at 7:22 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
3d Image is a kind of Art that not everyone can view it easily. Normally, we can not see what is performed in the image except some pattern of colors, but there is a real view which is shown in each 3d picture. There must be some methods for you to have a full view of the object in the image. Now, try to start with these images and make a view at this webpage to: to have more information as well as some tips to see these kind of "Art" :


Chariot War


posted by Melanie at 6:59 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006
As this is my exercise of Color, I have created several different color to represent some moods. They might not obey the "color representation" before much, but they can be used to express those mood as well as the other version such as the light blue to indicate the Innocent.

posted by Melanie at 1:00 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Sunday, July 09, 2006

In this spinning world, have you ever known who you are? God make up a various world, so that each of us has our own personality, value,etc. However, how many of us have ever recognised our real value? Sometimes, we are still running after an image of someone else, but we forget that we are what we are, no one can imitate us and we can'n imitate anyone else! So, start finding your potential now!

Stand in the line and do the same thing with the others??? Even in a community, you still got your own creativity. Being a designer in future, I know that I have to creat my own style and make myself different to anyone else! So, GET OUT OF THE LINE NOW!!!

Finally, what is being URSELF? In my mind, this term means that you have to make yourself to be special with creative thinking and never "plagiarizing" or "imitating" any other styles!
You can be succesful more than any "genious" if you know who you are and use your abilities reasonably and effectively!


This is the post 4 Composition Assignment! Try to make a guess which type of composition that each pic belongs to!!! ^.^
posted by Melanie at 9:34 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Well, the BC management team dont like my old design much! They have suggested me to use the Lender as BC can help English Student study better in BCom! Well, it's not so wide as it should be! So, I have designed a new one based on their requests but a little different! Hope that they will like this better! Anyway, I still like the old design more than this, but feel free to give me any comment for it! Thanks !!!! >^.^<

posted by Melanie at 10:22 AM | Permalink | 6 comments
Monday, July 03, 2006

Well, there is no clearly definition for Seamless Picture, but seamless picture is considered to be an Art Type. Individually, I think that Seamless pic is the type of connection and transmission scene by scene smoothly in a pic. They might increase the "misleading" in ur mind, so that u dont know what is the real and what is not. Just same as sth happen in ur dreams, many concerned events are linked naturally and you dont know where it started .This might be a part of Fines Art. Now, let enjoy the strange mood that these Seamless pictures bring to ya and tell me what do you think of those! Thanks then!

You can find more seamless pictures in this page :

posted by Melanie at 11:36 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Saturday, July 01, 2006

As one of my friend ask me to design a poster for Business Club on the Club Day, I have tried to come up with this 1st draft! I have tried many models, but the only concept impressed me much is the image of a STAIR to illustrate the "benefit" of the Business Club! This will also show an improvement when you join in the Business Club. Hihi, I dont know if they would use this , but I post it here for you to give me comments! Thanks alot!

Thanks Lien Anh alots for ur comment! Yup, I have to change my poster a bit for a better sight! Obviously, I need to paraphrase those benefits that they give me, so many mistakes, and this is my new poster, plz make a view and comment on it , thanks very much:

posted by Melanie at 5:07 AM | Permalink | 3 comments

Have you ever heard of the terms " Homo Sapiens" ? Not yet? Well, this is the science name for the fossils of modern humans! This is a picture of a skull from the California Academy of Sciences in 1983 by Brian R Page Caption. It's called : SKULLHOMOSAPIEN. This first pic will let you know that this is a fossil in the show room :

However, I wanna give you another interesting show of this "skull" with Photoshop!

1. Voldemort :
The original pic was edit in Photoshop :
Neon Glow Filter
Glow size : -13
Glow Brightness: 31
Color: Red

I have tried to creat a monster with the original skull, then I found that the Neon Glow Filter can help me in this part! It makes my skull look Scary and Mysterious! This reminds me of a character in the famous HARRY POTTER : Voldemort ( The most evil witch of ever!) Haha, I love to illustrate his appearance! Do ya think that he might be like this?

2. Sadness :
With a bit changing : Paint Daubs Filter
Brush Size : 44
Sharpness: 10
Brush Type: Wide Blurry
I 've got this one:

This is a very good example for an ABSTRACT IMAGE! It's no longer a skull! Why did I call it SADNESS? Because I found a sad sight in the black holes that seems to be the eyes of a man! Moreover, I feel a slight sigh in his mood! Do you explore that???

3. Hey, Lady! :
Now, the skull is not there any longer! This is because of the :

Cut out Filter:
Number Levels: 4
Edge Simplicity : 10
Edge Fidelity : 2

Hey, Do you find it same as the shape of a lady? My god, look at her earing! I like it, hihi!
posted by Melanie at 4:08 AM | Permalink | 7 comments